Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 1-Discussion 1

Module 1-Discussion 1

Q Read the “Heart of Atlanta” case on page 25 of your textbook. For your FIRST POST explain how this case relates to the Commerce Clause. Why does the Civil Rights Act apply to the motel’s business activities even though it does not transact business across state lines? Focus on the facts. For your SECOND POST read page 26 of your textbook about the “Dormant Commerce Clause”. Discuss what this legal concept is about and what this teaches you about our structure of government. Also, is it necessary for the federal government to have passed a law that conflicts with a state law for the “Dormant Commerce Clause” to apply? For your THIRD POST explain what, if any, are the limitations of the federal government's authority to pass laws under the "Commerce Clause" ? Read the U.S v Morrison case, 529 U.S. 598 (2000).

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For the first post, Title II OF THE Civil Rights Act of 1964, does outlaw racial discrimination in hotels, motels as well as restaurants, theatres and even in different public accommodations particularly the ones that are involved into some kind of interstate commerce. Heart of Atlanta Motel is, a large 216-room motel situated in Atlanta, Georgia which denied to accept the black patrons (Cheeseman, 2016).